10,- by friday or Geoffrey gets it!
HeLlO. ThIs Is GeoFfreY, a brOWn & GrEEN lAMb.
GeoFFrey iS FaT & LUMPy & A bIT deFORMed. He hAS a BaCKwardS eAR, NO taiL and CAnNoT sIT straIGHT. He alSO hAS flAT lEgs aND a woBBLy hEAD.
ThEREfore, GEOffreY mUSt be RANsomED by FRIdaY or THE LAMB GETS IT!
CAn yOU Give GeoffREY the LOve thaT he NeEDs?? CaN yOU Give GeoffREY a WaRM & SAfe HoME?
SeND 10 NOK to ThE HObbIT HolE by FrIDay.
Seve The Lamb dot Com - Rescuing one deformed lamb every month.
A deformed lamb is born every single day. These lambs are cruelly torn apart and their stuffing put back in the pot ready for a more perfect looking lamb.
We at Save The Lamb dot Com fight against this injustice!
Help us combat this cruelty to deformed lambs with our monthly plea.
Send Geoffrey some encouragement in his fight for life!